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Speeding operations - Thorne and Stainforth

Following further concerns raised from members of the Stainforth community we have undertaken a further speeding operation in an area of high concern.

On Thursday of last week, we were on South End in Thorne, which has a speed limit of 20mph - we monitored 65 vehicles to which 3 were contravening the speed limit, these drivers were all local to the area so were well aware that this area has a 20mph speed limit.

On Monday of this week, we conducted a speeding operation on Kirton Lane in Stainforth where 47 vehicles were monitored with 2 drivers contravening the 30mph speed limit. 

These drivers will be notified of their speeding contravention by our central ticket office.

When driving, a few miles per hour can mean the difference between life and death. The faster someone drives, the less time they have to stop if something unexpected happens.

These speeding operations will continue, and we will continue to publish the results. 

To volunteer and put yourself forward to be involved in our community speed watch programme please reply to this SYP Alert or email DoncasterEastNPT@southyorks.pnn.police.uk


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Message Sent By
PS 3171 James Housley
(South Yorkshire Police, PS, Doncaster East NPT)

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