The Police
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Useful contact numbers

Useful Numbers to Call
South Yorkshire Police - (all emergencies)
South Yorkshire Police - (non-emergencies)
South Yorkshire Police report it online (non-emergencies)
www.reportin gcrime.uk/
Doncaster Council Customer Services (Anti Social Behaviour, Liter, Abandoned Vehicles Graffiti Motorcycle Nuisance etc)
01302 736000
www.doncaster.qov.uk/services/crime- anti-social-behaviour- Luisance/antisocial-behaviour
7 Days a week 24 hours a day
Noise Nuisance Team
01302 736000
Neighbourhood Response Team- (Daily 8am- 6am)
01302 736000 (after 5pm press option 1)
(unwanted furniture to be recycled)
01302 736000
Environment Agency Flood Line
0345 988 1188
Trading Standards
01302 736000
Doncaster Domestic Abuse Hub
01302 737080
St Leger Homes
01302 862862
Citizens Advica Line
03444 111 444
Doncaster Drug and Alcohol Services (Aspire full range of drug and alcohol services to people aged over 18 across the borough of Doncaster.)
01302 303900
Victim Support - (Monday to Friday 9am - 8pm and Saturday 9am- 1pm)
0300 303 1976
Crimestoppers - (Contact anonymously 24 hours)
0800 555111 www.crimestoppers -uk orglgive- informatio nlaive informalion-online Herbert Protocol- SYp
Herbert Protocol - The Herbert Protocol is a form is designed to make sure if someone goes missing, the police can get access to important information about that person as soon as possible
https://www.southyorks.police.uk/contact- Us/ellus-abouth erbert-protocol
SYP Alerts - By registering free with SYP Alerts, you can choose to receive news and appeals, local crime information andlor prevention advice - direct to you by email, text or voice message.
South Yorkshire Police Alerts

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Message Sent By
Jane Hamill
(South Yorkshire Police, PCSO, Doncaster East NPT)

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