The Police
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Seeking Your Views on the Policing Precept

The South Yorkshire Mayor, Oliver Coppard, is asking for your views on the setting of the policing precept for South Yorkshire – the small part of your council tax bill that is spent on policing and crime services.


South Yorkshire Police work hard every day to keep our communities safe and it is important that you have your say on the amount you pay towards policing.


The money will be used to tackle the issues that you are telling us that are important:


  • Increasing confidence in policing
  • Tackling antisocial behaviour
  • Reducing knife crime
  • Working towards Vision Zero - eliminating all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, accepting that traffic accidents are preventable
  • Preventing CSE and pursuing those who commit offences

    The responses you provide will be used to form part of the proposal for the council tax precept for next year.


    The survey will close at 12 noon on Monday 3 February.


    Take part in the survey by clicking on this link: https://forms.office.com/e/71LQhxePkzor scanning the QR code below:


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