The Police
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Speeding Vehicle - Kirton Lane, Stainforth

Two further speeding operations took place today in Thorne and Stainforth.

On South End in Thorne, 61 vehicles were checked with 11 contravening the speed limit.

On Kirton Lane in Stainforth, 74 vehicles were checked with 8 contravening the speed limit.

The drivers who contravened the speed limit will be contacted in due course regarding their speed and manner of driving.

Going forward we are going to start issuing traffic reports (tickets) to those drivers that contravene the speed limit. 

When driving, a few miles per hour can mean the difference between life and death. The faster someone drives, the less time they have to stop if something unexpected happens.

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Message Sent By
PS 3171 James Housley
(South Yorkshire Police, PS, Doncaster East NPT)

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