The Police
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Off-Road Bikes - Appeal

We continue to receive a number of reports via email with regards to nuisance motorbikes in and around the areas of Stainforth and Barnby Dun.

Please continue to contact South Yorkshire Police on either 101 or via the link below with as much information as possible, including a description of the bike, rider details, description of clothing and the direction the bike is travelling in. 

If possible, any full or partial number plate details.

Should you have any CCTV or video/photographic evidence please state this either to the call handler or via the contact form. 


Thank you to those members of the community that continue to report incidents, patrols in this area will continue in an attempt to get these bikes removed and riders processed for traffic related offences.

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Message Sent By
PS 3171 James Housley
(South Yorkshire Police, PS, Doncaster East NPT)

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