The Police
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Stolen Motorbike Located

The motorbike pictured below was located and recovered this morning in Stainforth. 

The motorbike had been stolen from a public car park in Nottingham city centre yesterday afternoon. 

Officers from your East neighbourhood policing team made contact with the owner of the motorbike and colleagues from Nottinghamshire Police who were able to narrow down the location of the stolen motorbike to an area in Stainforth.

It was soon time to ditch the police car and take a walk along the canal bank to where the motorbike was eventually found.

On this occasion nobody was located nearby but the motorbike will be sent away to be forensically examined.

We will continue to work alongside our neighbouring forces to bring those who cause harm in our communities to justice.



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Message Sent By
PS 3171 James Housley
(South Yorkshire Police, PS, Doncaster East NPT)

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