The Police
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Just making a delivery - Spot the mistake!

As officers were patrolling around Dunscroft on Thursday last week, they came across this van parked at the side of the road. 

The engine was running, keys in the ignition but the driver was nowhere to be seen. The backdoor to the van was even open, showing any passerby what’s inside.

As we approached the van a male came from a driveway explaining he was just making a delivery.


Unbelievably the driver had willingly left his vehicle at the side of the road with the keys in the ignition and the rear door wide open!


As you can imagine we spent some time with the driver explaining the error of his ways, and showing him just how vulnerable he had left his vehicle to theft.


Van thefts are an issue we are tackling across Doncaster, but we do need your help to make it as hard as for any opportunist thief.


Please take every precaution possible to ensure your vehicle is left locked and secure, even if you are only leaving it for a minute.



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PS 2524 Lovell
(South Yorkshire Police, Sgt, Doncaster East NPT)

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