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Operation Duxford Results

As part of Operation Duxford on Wednesday 3 July, we conducted a speed survey in Old Town, St Helens Ward and Darton East and West. Over 200 vehicles were checked, and the highest speed recorded was 32mph. Our team aim to conduct at least one of these surveys a month due to the demand from our communities, as this is an ongoing concern that is often mentioned. The primary aim of this exercise is not to issue Fixed Penalty Tickets but to educate drivers in relation to exceeding the speed limit often in built up areas. Crime crackdown in Barnsley operation During Operation Duxford over 170 officers, staff and volunteers descended on the district. Their efforts paid off as the day ended with ten prisoners, drugs and vehicles seized and dangerous drivers prosecuted. During a warrant in Cudworth, officers found quantities of Ketamine and cannabis with an estimated street value of £5000, alongside cash. During another warrant in the town centre, officers found £7000 in cash, believed to have been earned through fraudulent crime. Focussing on protecting vulnerable people, partners from Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (BMBC) and officers carried out checks on those at risk of being exploited, including properties with closure orders in place. Roads Policing Officers from the Operational Support Unit were working alongside neighbourhood officers carrying out speed enforcement and routine traffic stops. A total of 28 drivers were stopped and issued traffic offence reports for speeding, number plate defects, driving without wearing a seatbelt and illegal window tints.

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Message Sent By
Peter Robinson
(South Yorkshire Police, PCSO, Barnsley North NPT)

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