The Police
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Found Stolen Vehicle - Edenthorpe / Dunscroft

The below pictured vehicle was found in Dunscroft this morning, having been stolen overnight from an address in Edenthorpe. The owner of the vehicle woke to find his vehicles missing and his house key removed from a keysafe outside.


Please be aware offenders are targeting houses across Doncaster with a view to stealing vehicles.  


Please take every effort to ensure your property is as secure as possible. If you happen to have a key safe outside your property, please consider where it is fixed to the wall, ensuring it is not obvious from the road. 

Please also ensure your vehicles are locked and secure, with the keys a good distance from the vehicle itself.


Incident 276 15/06/24 refers, if you have any information on this incident please contact 101 and quote the incident number. Alternatively reply to this alert.



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PS 2524 Lovell
(South Yorkshire Police, Sgt, Doncaster East NPT)

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