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Stolen Motorbikes - Dunscroft

Now I'm no expert, but something tells me there's something not quite right about these bikes…… Maybe its the fact they are being held together with rolls and rolls of Sticky tape, or the shabby chic spray paint its been subjected to.


East NPT PCSOs were quick to identify these bikes as stolen and ensure they were seized for examination. 

Unfortunately, unless they hold sentimental value, I cant imagine the owners will particularly want them back after the recent modifications.

These bikes were seized from an address on Broadway, Dunscroft - Do you have any information to help identify who has been riding these bikes in the area?

Antisocial use of motorbikes in the area is a regular issue, so if you do hold any information please get in touch.

Please contact 101, reply to this alert or email DoncasterEastNPT@southyorks.pnn.police.uk.




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PS 2524 Lovell
(South Yorkshire Police, Sgt, Doncaster East NPT)

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